Tuesday, December 19, 2006

yes, destiny has her hand on my back, and she's pushing

What is with the coincidences lately? Seriously. As someone who doesn't generally believe in "fate", it almost seems as though the universe has been speaking to me.

Although I am a Canadian of somewhat mixed ancestry, I suppose I tend to identify myself as being of Scottish descent, if one is to trace my patriarchal lineage. A couple of years ago I became a member of the Canadian society for our Clan. What it amounts to is a little ID card and a subscription to An Dul, the Clan newsletter. The newsletter isn't on a set schedule, but is generally published 2-3 times annually. I sent in my membership renewal well over a year ago, and had yet to receive an issue. I'm not sure what my exact train of thought was, but for some reason that very fact surfaced in my mind yesterday while setting off on a trek to Costco. "When the hell am I going to get something....?", I mused.

Upon returning from our shopping extravaganza, I decided to check the mail. No...there was no copy of An Dul there. BUT.......there was a letter from the Convenor of the Clan society. Basically, professional and personal committments were making it difficult for him to devote the time necessary to assemble and publish the newsletter, and he was seeking a volunteer to assume the task.

Now....I had long been considering contributing something to the newsletter, and now that I am living in an area where I have more access to events (i.e. highland games in Fergus) I was hoping to perhaps become a bit more invovled. As such, it seems rather serendipitus that this letter should arrive at all, let alone on the very day I was already thinking on the subject. That being said, I don't know that I'm in a significantly better situation than the Convenor, if at all, to take over the responsibility. The prospect is interesting, but between work and a newborn (edit: and my darling wife), I find it hard enough to assemble a blog post, let alone a newsletter. Not to mention I'm a terrible, terrible procrastinator. Let's be honest.

Coincidence? Fate? Professor X-like psychic abilities? I wish I knew.


Tam's thoughts said...

Once again I'm left out. This time I will make you sleep with the dog. I'm certain he would love your company. Should of put you in the dog house the other night.Or should I return your Christmas gift? That might be a better punishment

lynds said...

I think you should go for it Dave. You've said yourself that you're "hanging onto the notion of publishing a novel or scripting a screenplay". You should take this opportunity to tap into your creative side. Might be the type of project you've been looking for. If you do, let me know, I'll join the Clan membership for the newsletter myself. :)

E. Rivera said...

You're doing so well at heeding the signs, makes no sense not to act on them and see where they lead...happy holidays!