Friday, December 01, 2006

turn, turn, turn

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

-excerpt from Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken-

And so it begins. Again.

Those who know me may think that this is my second blog. In reality, it is the fifth. For the sake of those who care, let me explain.

When I first stumbled onto the Internet phenomenon known as blogging, I decided to try my hand at it. With a little assistance from Blogger, I was soon the proud owner of The Cardinal Rules. What it amounted to was a place for me to vent and rant about frustrations with my job and the idiocy of popular culture. This then led to my belief that a blog might be a good way for my high school friends and I to keep in contact, so I created a group blog called The Hoikety Choik Frat House v. 2.0. (Long story). After a few posts, interest fizzled, and it proved to be a failed venture. It was not long after before both blogs were deleted.

Next up was a brief attempt at serious blogging in the form of Camelot is Burning. If memory serves, it consisted of an introductory post and an original poem (5 lines) before being unceremoniously nuked. I gave up on blogging.


...a short while later, when I discovered that a number of my familial relations had been infected by this "blog" craze. So, in the spirit of keeping close personal ties with the relatives, I again jumped on the bandwagon. This time with.......The Greatest Blog Ever Written.

Ugh. While striking me as particularly clever at the time (a play on The Greatest Story Ever Told.....with a tongue-in-cheek twist via the subtitle, ex. unavailable at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.), I grew to hate it. Nonetheless, I muddled through to the tune of just over 100 posts.

But it's time for a change.

The result is what you read. In addition to the anecdotal retelling of life in suburbia, I had always hoped that my blog would give me the opportunity to explore some of my more serious musings on things such as religion, politics and world events and provide an outlet for my creative side. I'm not sure why exactly I couldn't adequately tap into some of those things with my last blog, but with any luck I can overcome that hurdle here.

And perhaps post a bit more frequently. (Admit were thinking it.)

With that said, let's take a journey down this new road.......and see where it leads us.


E. Rivera said...

Maybe all you needed was this change to motivate you to tap into your inner self more. I'll be reading! :)

Cute pic w/daughter. *aw*

Curt Sawyer said...

Interesting that you had problems with "upgrading" your old blog to beta. Although it took a while, mine transitioned alright. I just took advantage of the opportunity to update the template as well.