Sunday, December 03, 2006

progress doesn't look so good

Check this out:

Here is what the view from my back deck looked like 4 months ago.

Here is what the view from my back deck looks like today.

I guess 'greenbelt' just doesn't mean what it used to.


E. Rivera said...

Oh my goodness! What's going on? Where'd the trees go?

Dave said...

When we bought our house last year it was listed as "backing onto a greenbelt", which led us to believe that it was protected land. Unfortunately, while there is protected land in our area, the section directly behind OUR house was zoned for "future development". In this case, they are building more cookie-cutter homes.

Welcome to suburbia.

Anonymous said...

That makes me sad.

It's happened around Sto Mancha, too, although we do have a protected trail across the street (10 yards on either side: Great). So the woods I thought were once neverending now end in new homes and a clover leaf/flyover.

Curt Sawyer said...

Dude, that sucks. That sucks big time. When we owned a house in Vienna we were so happy that it backed against a county park and we were pretty sure they would never cut down the trees and replace them with condos.

In NYC we were so happy to have a 2-story movie theater across the street, giving us a wide open view all the way to the next block. Then they tore it down to build a 16-story cancer treatment center. We're on floor 14 of our building. Say goodbye to the nice view...

Curt Sawyer said...

That's Vienna, Virginia, by the way...wouldn't want you to think I'm more worldly than I actually am...