Tuesday, July 03, 2007

pop quiz


You are in the gym at your workplace, listening to your iPod Shuffle. There is 1 minute left in your treadmill workout when Metallica's One is randomly selected and begins to play. What do you do?

a) Immediately pause the song, finish the remainder of your workout, and listen to it next time.
b) Start listening to the song, finish the remainder of your workout, then stop it when you're done.
c) Listen to the song while you finish your workout, and take your time making your way to the lockers/showers until it's done.
d) Power through and extend your workout 6 minutes and 27 seconds until the song is complete, reveling in the guitar wizardry that is Kirk Hammett.

Correct answer in the Comments section.


Dave said...

The correct answer is "d".

If you answered anything else, you have angered the Metal Gods. For the next 5 turns, you suffer a penalty of -10 to Awesome.

E. Rivera said...

Ha, I totally would pick C.

Anonymous said...

Dave and Tam, FYI I have pictures of me broken down in your Blazer. LOL not a fun saturday to spend. Thank god Ralph was with me.