Saturday, February 17, 2007


I am so sick of television lately. It seems like most of the stuff that is fed to us these days is so banal. Anyone who knows me knows that I watch a lot of television, and there are a number of programs that I record on a regular basis. Here is a short list of the shows I watch:

How I Met Your Mother *
The Class
American Idol
Battlestar Galactica *
Criminal Minds
Boston Legal
The Unit *
Family Guy *
The Office *
My Name Is Earl
Saturday Night Live
Desperate Housewives

I'm considering dropping everything but those with the '*'. Especially 24, Housewives and Boston Legal. Those three are just getting ridiculous. I think I'll do a post about why I think 24 has completely lost it's way.


Burnie said...

Wow..didn't see "Lost" of the best sci-fi's have have seen in years...

Tam's thoughts said...

I guess we wouldn't be watching t.v. together.